CoST Chair Chrik Poortman, recently took part in a Panel discussion at the Fourth OECD G20 High Level Conference on Corruption on ‘Sweeteners in international Contracts: are ‘offsets’ the new corruption threat? …
Author: CoST
CoST to scale-up to 22 Countries
CoST aims to scale-up to 22 countries by December 2016. This growth is a key objective of CoST’s recently published Business Plan. The Business Plan aims to establish 14 new national …
Guatemala trains up to 300 procuring entities
CoST Guatemala has trained officials from up to 300 procuring entities (PEs) at a series of workshops.Participating PEs ranged from large central government agencies to small municipalities. The training aims …
CoST board meeting minutes, July 2014
These are the minutes for the eleventh CoST Board Meeting, in September 2014. The Interim Board discussed the programme updates, the financial report, a new application to join CoST and …
CoST Business Plan for scaling-up
The value of global construction is expected to grow to $12 trillion by 2020, but it is estimated that up to a third of this investment could be lost through …
CoST Business Plan – Executive summary
The value of global construction is expected to grow to $12 trillion by 2020, but it is estimated that up to a third of this investment could be lost through …