Presidential support drives infrastructure transparency, participation and accountability in Malawi

Our new impact story highlights how CoST member, Malawi, has strengthened infrastructure transparency, participation and accountability in the country even further since their previous success, including working with the President of Malawi and working with Partnership for Transparency Fund. 

This story covers CoST Malawi:

  • securing the support of the President of Malawi to make ‘openness of infrastructure projects a norm,’ including his role in passing legal reforms to mandate data publication based on CoST infrastructure data standard;
  • improving the quality of the published data by integrating the OC4IDS into an informational platform and promoting this platform through 47 lobbying and awareness raising events alongside training officials on how to use it. These actions led to publication of data on 612 projects from the roads, water and public buildings sectors.
  • using television and social media to engage up to 50,000 members of the public to understand the importance of infrastructure transparency;
  • engaging journalists, including through the creation of an award to celebrate journalists whose reporting has influenced actions on infrastructure projects;
  • training 94 CSO, media representatives and public officials on how to use data to monitor public infrastructure procurement, enabling them to hold government institutions to account for example by highlighting non-compliance by contractors.

Looking ahead, CoST Malawi is continuing to build on this work through more training, data analysis, addressing challenges that prevent data publication, and using our new climate finance modules to further sustainability.  

Read the full story on our impact page.