At this year’s C20 Summit, CoST will join forces with Eurodad and the Society for International Development to host a joint session exploring the need to ”reclaim sustainable infrastructure as …
CoST’s commitment to promoting gender-inclusive infrastructure
It is well known that the construction industry traditionally attracts and retains more men than women. To take the UK, in 2018 only 12% of UK engineers were female compared …
Interview with Manuela Di Mauro: CoST Board Observer and global advocate of infrastructure transparency
As CoST publishes its latest guidance encouraging greater gender equality across CoST programmes, we speak with our Board observer, Manuela Di Mauro whose impressive CV includes posts within the UK …
CoST Honduras celebrates seventh anniversary with new diplomas for women and indigenous groups
CoST Honduras recently celebrated seven years of promoting transparency, participation and accountability in infrastructure. A key achievement over the years has been its extensive training programme which has reached over …
UN SDG Good Practices highlights CoST Guatemala in helping to meet key goals
In partnership with USAID, CoST Guatemala has been training young community leaders monitor infrastructure projects, helping to empower youth in Guatemala at the same time as strengthening project oversight and …
Interview with Pamela Acheng, civil engineer and member of CoST Uganda assurance team
CoST recently spoke to Pamela Acheng, a civil engineer based in Kampala, Uganda who has worked with CoST Uganda since 2017 as part of the assurance team. After completing her …