CoST Ukraine Infographic Summary
CoST Business Plan for scaling-up

CoST Business Plan for scaling-up

The value of global construction is expected to grow to $12 trillion by 2020, but it is estimated that up to a third of this investment could be lost through corruption, mismanagement and inefficiency. CoST- The Infrastructure Transparency Initiative helps to improve this situation by disclosing information on publicly funded construction projects that informs stakeholders and enables them to hold decision-makers to account.
This business plan describes how CoST can be scaled-up and the benefits of improved transparency and accountability extended to 22 countries over a three year period. It is based on undertaking activities and achieving objectives in three areas:
1. Strengthening the technical capacity and increasing the effectiveness of the 8 existing national programmes by December 2015.
2. Establishing 14 new national programmes by December 2015.
3. Building the capacity of the International Secretariat and the Board to implement and govern the CoST programme and provide support to national programmes.

CoST has most of the key elements in place that are necessary for it to be successfully scaled-up including:
 A robust programme design, that has been refined as a result of a successful pilot stage
 Participation of 8 countries and interest from 10 more to join the programme, including developed, developing and emerging economies. This includes demand and support from civil society, private and public sectors.
 The support of leading international bodies including the World Bank, G8 and G20, leading private sector organisations and international and national level civil society.

No significant risks exist that are likely to threaten the future of the programme. The three year pilot project has ensured that the CoST approach is rigorously designed and can be adapted for application in a variety of political and geographical settings. The CoST Board and the International Secretariat have acquired the knowledge and experience necessary to successfully implement the programme. CoST is poised to transform the relationship between citizens and government with regard to public investment in infrastructure. It now requires the resources to translate its widely acknowledged potential into practical impact on the ground.