Terms of Reference: Anti-corruption expert for the Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Toolbox

CoST, the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative is recruiting an anti-corruption expert from the infrastructure sector to work alongside a web developer to develop the Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Toolbox (IACT). 

CoST is a global not-for-profit that develops and supports the use of tools and standards by government, the private sector and civil society in 19 countries to improve the integrity, transparency and accountability of infrastructure investments.  The expert will use this experience and expertise to develop IACT a web-based platform that will improve the accessibility of useful and relevant tools and resources that aim to improve the integrity of infrastructure investments. 

Scope of work 

The scope of work for establishing IACT is separated into three tasks.  

Task 1 requires the anti-corruption expert to identify and map the tools and resources that will assist users to reduce corruption risks at the different stages of the infrastructure delivery cycle indicating the type of user they are aimed at. The expert will be encouraged to identify other potential approaches to mapping the tools and resources that will help potential users. The expert will then support a web developer to establish the web-based repository and a knowledge/project manager. 

Task 2 is to complete a needs analysis, creating a survey for stakeholders, semi-structured interviews and regional focus groups. The needs analysis will identify gaps in the Toolbox from which additional resources, including training materials, can be commissioned. This would include using the OECD Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum held in late March 2025 to engage stakeholders about their needs. This task will be supported by a knowledge/project manager. 

Task 3 is the establishment of a small advisory group potentially involving OECD, industry bodies such as the Confederation of International Contractors Associations (CICA), the Federation of International Consulting Engineers, the World Federation of Engineering Organisations, civil society organisations such as Transparency International other GPS partners such as Accountability Lab and CIPE plus expertise from GIACC. The expert is expected to support the team leader in establishing the advisory group and draw on the expertise that will be available. 

Outline timeline 

The following table provides an outline timeline the details of which will be fleshed out when the roles are filled.  

Task  Timeline 
Recruitment of expert, web developer and knowledge/project manager  January – February 2025 
Task 1: Mapping  February – March 2025 
 Web development  February – May 2025 
Task 2: Completing a needs analysis  March – May 2025 
Task 3: Establishing the advisory group  January – February 2025 


It is estimated that the expert will require about 50 to 60 days over a 4 month period to complete these tasks. 

The expert 

The expert will have extensive experience of the infrastructure sector and a deep understanding of the risks of corruption and how they can be mitigated. They will be aware of the potential resources that could be included in IACT and the key stakeholders that can promote its development and application.  

Application process 

If you wish to apply, please submit a CV outlining your relevant experience with a 3-4 page proposal by Wednesday 5 February 2025 to John Hawkins (j.hawkins@infrastructuretransparency.org). The proposal should outline how you would approach delivering the scope of work and a timetable and budget including your fees and any potential expenses for each task. 

Interviews with preferred candidates will take place week commencing 16 February 2025. 

Please contact John Hawkins (j.hawkins@infrastructuretransparency.org) if you have any questions about these ToR. 

Please read the full terms of reference on the yellow “Download” button.