Last year was one in which the flexibility of the CoST approach was put to the test amidst the shifting political and social realities of Covid-19. The CoST Annual Report …
Author: CoST
UCL event: Bridging the Infrastructure Governance Gap
On Tuesday 8 June UCL’s Global Governance Institute will host a webinar exploring how the CoST approach can help to bridge governance gaps in infrastructure and meet global investment needs. …
The need for CoST (Spanish): Strengthening economies and improving lives
This resource outlines the need for CoST, the four core CoST features and the impact we’ve seen across our member programmes. It is estimated that between 10% and 30% of …
Infrastructure Transparency Index Manual (Spanish)
The Infrastructure Transparency Index (ITI) Manual measures levels of transparency and the quality of processes related to public infrastructure at national and sub-national levels. Collaboratively designed and based on international …
Levelling the playing field: How CoST Uganda promotes business integrity
Back in December 2019, CoST Uganda was awarded funding through the UK Government’s Business Integrity Initiative (BII) and launched the programme Promoting fair business practices in Uganda. The BII sought …
CoST launches survey on private sector engagement
The CoST approach aligns strongly with the aims of the private sector – it promotes fair competition for contracts and encourages more effective project management by procuring entities. Greater oversight …