CoST is thrilled to announce that CoST Honduras has come first place at the 2019 Taiwan Presidential Hackathon. The team presented their project INFRAS, an online database which promotes transparent …
Author: CoST
Slow but steady: changing attitudes towards open data and transparent infrastructure in Afghanistan
CoST Afghanistan has come a long way since the programme was launched in 2016. At the time, infrastructure governance was characterised by high levels of financial waste and opaque management …
CoST Malawi’s grassroots engagement sparks interest from government and CSOs
In June, CoST Malawi Chairperson Joe Ching’ani participated at a workshop convened by the Council for Non-Governmental Organisations in Malawi (CONGOMA). The workshop brought together representatives from across Malawian civil …
G20 endorses CoST approach to tackling corruption in infrastructure
The G20 has endorsed the CoST approach to tackling corruption, mismanagement and inefficiency throughout the infrastructure project cycle, in an annex to the Leaders’ Declaration which was released during the …
CoST Honduras impact: Overhauling the Honduras Road Fund
This infographic showcases CoST Honduras’s work overhauling the Honduras Road Fund, the public body responsible for maintaining Honduras’s 14,000km network of road. It had suffered from a lack of accountability …
As G20 leaders meet, what can we expect from infrastructure delivery?
CoST Executive Director Petter Matthews is the International Chair of the C20 Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) in 2019. In this blog, which coincides with the G20 Leaders Summit in Osaka, …