The President of Honduras has issued an Executive Decree that establishes a Formal Disclosure Requirement (FDR) for Honduras. An FDR represents a considerable milestone in delivering transparency in public infrastructure …
Author: CoST
Ukraine scoping study
Ukravtodor (UAD) joined the CoST – The Initiative in November 2013 with the ambition to benefit from good international practice in the area of transparency and openness in construction sector. …
CoST board meeting minutes, 20/21 January 2015
These are the minutes for the 14th board meeting, which took places in January 2015. The Interim Board discussed improving performance monitoring, DFID support, the programme report, the DGF Evaluation …
CoST board meeting minutes, 15 January 2015
These are the minutes for the 13th board meeting, which took places in January 2015, by phone. The Interim Board discussed the DFID proposal and the internal consultation.
CoST Central America Workshop drives regional best practice
Over 30 Multi-Stakeholder Group Members from Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico and Guatemala recently heard how CoST offers a global standard for transparency and accountability in public infrastructure. Speaking at the …
CoST Ethiopia attributes $13.3m cost increase to incomplete design
Incomplete and inadequate designs on infrastructure projects have led to major time and cost increases. This includes a $13.3m or 254% cost increase on the Gidabo irrigation project in central …