Across the cities of Mzuzu, Lilongwe and Blantyre, CoST Malawi recently held a series of training workshops for government, the media and civil society representatives. The workshops were aimed at …
Lack of transparency is a key concern in latest assurance report from CoST Guatemala
CoST Guatemala has published its fifth assurance report, featuring analysis of over thirty public sector infrastructure projects across roads, water, sanitation, schools, hospitals, municipal buildings, sports facilities and parks. According …
Breaking the chain in Malawi
Reflecting on International Anti-Corruption Day 2015 and its #BreakTheChain theme, CoST Malawi and other leading civil society organisations held an Anti-Corruption Symposium in December with a focus on infrastructure development. …
New funding and MSG members announced at CoST Tanzania AGM
During the latest CoST Tanzania AGM, it was announced that the Africa Open Data Collaboration Fund (AODC) has awarded the national programme US$15,000. The funding aims to support CoST Tanzania …
Lessons from Seoul: Strengthening transparency and accountability
Petter Matthews, Executive Director of CoST, was invited to deliver a keynote speech at an international workshop for public construction transparency organised by the UNDP, Seoul Metropolitan Government and the …
New reports highlight the potential of CoST
Those on the ground believe CoST’s strength is its ability to “get simple information to the public…[and] reduce corruption in construction” whilst the international donor community “see CoST’s unique focus …