About us

CoST, the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative (CoST) is one of the leading global non-profits improving transparency, participation and accountability in infrastructure. 

Corruption, mismanagement and inefficiency in infrastructure comes at a huge price to government, private sector and citizens and harms the environment, jobs and lives. Huge investment is needed in the infrastructure sector around the world to ensure quality structures can be built to serve communities. These structures – such as roads, schools, hospitals and climate-resilient infrastructure – are essential services. 

There is an average global efficiency gap of approximately 30% between the money that is spent and the coverage and quality of the resulting infrastructure, according to the IMF. Trillions will continue to be lost annually to corruption, mismanagement and inefficiency unless there is greater transparency, accountability and participation in infrastructure. 

This means people can access essential services, including jobs, healthcare, housing and education, and helps to enhance social inclusion and climate resilience. Governments see better value in public budgets, businesses enjoy a level playing field and improved performance in the sector and there are more opportunities for national and international investment.

We use a four pronged approach of

  • Multi-stakeholder working with governments, private sector and civil society 
  • Publication of data, to build trust, including through data portals and platforms
  • An independent review of infrastructure projects known as the CoST assurance process
  • Social accountability through training and supporting media, civil society and academic organisations to put these issues in the public domain

We work with members at national and sub-national levels across multiple continents. Our members, and their local partners, lead this work, while our International Secretariat provides support. Our International Secretariat also works with regional and international partners to enhance and encourage the use of our tools and standards, share our knowledge through training and events and increase our global impact. 

Some of our partners have included Open Contracting Partnership, Open Government Partnership, International Budget Partnership, Transparency International, GIZ, and Water Integrity Network. We also contribute our expertise in public infrastructure to the work of international organisations such as the OECD, Civic-20 and the UNEP.

We want to make infrastructure transparency, participation and accountability the norm, integrating it into each country’s standard systems and practices.