CoST joined more than 1,600 delegates from around 130 countries at the 17th International Anti-Corruption Conference (17IACC) in Panama City, Panama, with one common call: the time for Justice, Equity, …
CoST Malawi: Strengthening public infrastructure in policy and in practice
CoST Malawi launched its latest assurance report, featuring in-depth analysis on the transparency levels of 26 sample public infrastructure projects. The report revealed that almost all publicly-funded projects (where donors …
Enshrined in law: CoST Guatemala endorsed by Congress
The Guatemalan Congress of the Republic, the country’s unicameral legislature, has ratified a law which mandates disclosure of 31 of the 40 CoST Infrastructure Data Standard (IDS) data points through …
CoST Ukraine: First assurance report endorsed by President and Minister
CoST Ukraine has launched its first assurance report, analysing over 120 public road reparation contracts across 17 regions. Representing more than UAH 3,399 billion (GBP£90 million), it is a huge …
CoST Honduras and CoST Malawi – A win for transparency and citizen engagement at the OGP Summit
CoST Honduras and CoST Malawi were both winners at the Open Government Awards. Celebrating civil society initiatives that use government data to bring concrete benefits, CoST Honduras was awarded third …
From Lilongwe to Tegucigalpa: CoST countries working together to strengthen transparency
CoST Honduras and CoST Malawi are sharing lessons learnt to strengthen transparency in public infrastructure globally. CoST Honduras hosted CoST Malawi in Tegucigalpa for a peer-exchange programme to build international …