Christiaan (Chrik) Poortman

Chrik has chaired the CoST Board since 2011. In addition to his role with CoST, he is Senior Adviser/Individual Member at Transparency International, the global coalition against corruption. Until 2010, …

Zlatina Loudjeva

Zlatina Loudjeva has been involved in CoST since its initiation, being the Managing Director for the CoST pilot ahead of the launch of the CoST International Programme in 2012. Since …

G20 working to close the infrastructure financing gap

CoST Executive Director Petter Matthews reports from a recent ‘Infrastructure Financing Seminar’ organised by the G20 Infrastructure Working Group1 and reflects on the challenges of mobilising private investment in public …

Lauren Pemberton-Nelson

Lauren heads up Engineers Against Poverty and CoST, The Infrastructure Transparency Initiative’s communication channels, leading on output across the website, newsletter, social media, resources and more. Lauren has almost a …