The publication of this independent evaluation report is an important milestone in the development of CoST. It focuses on the support provided by the World Bank from 2011- 2014 through …
Author: CoST
CoST memorandum and articles
Memorandum of association of the construction sector transparency initiative (“the charity”).
CoST prevention of bribery and corruption policy
As an organisation that is committed to the highest standards of ethical behaviour, it is essential that the CoST International Secretariat oversees and implements a policy of zero-tolerance, recognising that …
CoST Ethiopia: Adiremet Dejena Dansha project and contract information
Project data for the CoST Ethiopia assurance process, which looked at projects in Tigrai and assesses data disclosure in accordance with the CoST Infrastructure Data Standard.
CoST Ethiopia: Mehalmeda Alemketema road project and contract information
Project data for the CoST Ethiopia assurance process, which looked at projects in the North Shewa Zone of the Amhara region and assesses data disclosure in accordance with the CoST …
CoST Ethiopia: Koga irrigation and watershed management project and contract information
Project data for the CoST Ethiopia assurance process, which looked at projects in Amhara National Regional State and assesses data disclosure in accordance with the CoST Infrastructure Data Standard.