The CoST Board has with regret taken the decision to close CoST Tanzania. This follows its status being declared ‘inactive’ and insufficient progress being made during the period agreed for …
News category: CoST Tanzania
CoST Tanzania declared inactive
CoST members demonstrate a firm commitment to improving infrastructure transparency and accountability in their various contexts. Members are subject to the CoST performance monitoring policy and their membership is contingent …
CoST media highlights: June – August
It’s been a busy summer for CoST teams around the world: take a look at some of the work which has made the headlines. June Philippines Following CoST representation at …
New funding and MSG members announced at CoST Tanzania AGM
During the latest CoST Tanzania AGM, it was announced that the Africa Open Data Collaboration Fund (AODC) has awarded the national programme US$15,000. The funding aims to support CoST Tanzania …
Capacity building support for PEs in Tanzania and Ethiopia
Procuring entities (PEs) in Ethiopia and Tanzania have recently benefited from a programme of capacity building support, aimed at helping them to disclose information as part of their CoST national …
CoST Tanzania Elects New MSG
CoST Tanzania held its 3rd AGM on 26th March in Dar es Salaam. In addition to the CoST members, observers from Ministries of Works and Health, USAID and TANROADS attended …