CoST commissioned a scoping study into the level of transparency, accountability and stakeholder participation in the delivery of public infrastructure in South Africa, with a view to ascertaining the added …
Author: CoST
As corruption rocks South Africa, CoST scoping study shows appetite for change
In 2018, South Africa was shaken by a series of allegations relating to large and widespread corruption throughout the country. Given the huge sums associated with infrastructure contracts, it is …
Robust guidance package for infrastructure transparency advocates gets off the ground
Today CoST publishes its robust Assurance Manual and Guidance Note, to help further the work of our members and others to enhance CoST delivery and deepen our global impact. Assurance …
CoST Ecuador
Prior to CoST: Public infrastructure in context According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, in 2018 Ecuador achieved a score of 34 and was ranked 114 out of 180 countries, …
CoST Timor-Leste
Prior to CoST: Public infrastructure in context According to Transparency International’s 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index, Timor-Leste scored 40 points and was ranked 86 out of 180 countries, an increase from …
CoST annual report 2019 shows innovation deepen impact worldwide
Today we publish the CoST Annual Report 2019, illustrating the depth and breadth of CoST impact during the year which will be remembered as the last period of ‘normality’ before the …